March blew by so fast, my head is still spinning! That and all the WIND! March is one of my favorite months for two very good reasons. It is the month that made me a mother of two! My perfect baby girl was born in 1993 and has blessed my life since. She, like the month of March possesses the capacity to whirl and turn and become just who she wants to be at any given time. A kinder heart you will not find, and if she is your friend, count yourself as lucky as a leprechaun! She has grown up to become not only my daughter, but my friend. She married her perfect companion and they gave me an amazing granddaughter. My life is complete!
March is the month that grants us spring! My hands-down favorite season! Even with the chill of winter still in the air, March is sending springtime buds, birds, and babies into the world.
Buds: Daffodils, fruit trees, violets, all unveiling their beautiful colors and showing us what a nice long nap can do for the soul and the body!
Birds are hustling everywhere, looking for the perfect spot to build a nest. The sebastapol geese found their perfect spot in a tote turned shelter. I noticed them hanging out there so added some straw – they promptly went in and made a home for a nest full of big, beautiful eggs. Any day now, the goslings will make their appearance, and we couldn’t be more excited! These funny looking geese have frizzled feathers that make them look extra fluffy. They are quite docile and roam around the yard, talking and clipping the grass. If a stranger approaches, you will know it by their increasingly loud and agitated squawking.
Babies! Yes – goat babies! Kids, kids, kids – and lots of them! The Nigerian dwarf goats started kidding on March 1st. Grace produced 2 beautiful does and a buck. Genna, not to be outdone, gave us four cute little does. A few days later, Gidget gave birth to one of the largest Nigerian kids I’ve seen – this furry, moonspotted doeling was at least twice normal size for the breed.
And coming in for the home stretch, Gypsey gave us two bucklings and a doeling. So that wrapped up kidding season for 2022, now to enjoy their frolicking and take hundreds of pictures! It will be tough to decide which kids to keep and which ones to sell, but unfortunately, they do not stay small and we just don’t have the room for all these new inhabitants to grow up healthy and strong.
These boots. Heading into my third spring here at Magick Moon Farm and third year with these boots. One of the first farm wardrobe purchases I made, and no regrets! It’s amazing how farming changes not only your wardrobe, but your lifestyle and your attitude. Going from an office job to literal field work has been such a rewarding experience for me and
if the state of these boots are any indication, it’s one I do with gusto and love.
Always by the door – I can just step into them and be on my way to whatever adventure (or goat drama) awaits. Soon it will be time to replace them – the sole is coming off and they are no longer waterproof, but I will miss them.
I encourage you to find the farmer in your soul. Cultivate something, grow a small garden - heck - grow a big garden! Do you have room for a backyard chicken coop? Can you find a local farm that will let you volunteer to help out or just visit? - Teach the children in your life where their food comes from. Maybe visit a local farmers market and support local growers. Magick Moon Farm can be found most Saturdays April through October at the Murphy Farmers Market in downtown Murphy, North Carolina. We have farm fresh eggs, goat milk soap and crafts galore. Home grown produce coming soon! Hope to see you there.
Until next month - I bid you a Magickal day and a bountiful spring!