Established in 2019, Magick Moon Farm is learning the ropes and growing strong as we add new animals and their housing to the farm. Settled in a secluded valley in Appalachian Mountains this tiny farm has great expectations. We hope to be open for visitors next spring with a farm store and animal interactions.
Each member of our farm is a member of our family, and everyone here has a "job". In the coming weeks and months, we will introduce our family members so that you can come to know and love them as we do.
On our farm, we will seek to create a self-sustaining lifestyle, gradually becoming less dependent on mass production and more dependent on our own efforts.
The young lady on the home page is my granddaughter Madeline, at age 5 showing her dad her first fire-fly. Of course, he edited the photo to add the magical glow - but the wonder and expression on her face is real. Having never seen one, she was simply enchanted by the "lightning bugs" that appear here in the south each spring.
Our goal is to offer you something magical and enchanted each time you open a package from Magick Moon, LLC or visit our little farm.